Classical, Complete including Great Books Program

The Great Books Academy is a Homeschool Program for nursery-12th graders.

All students are welcome.  Founded in A.D. 2000, we offer a complete, home study curriculum including all subjects. We offer various online classes for grades 1st-8th as well.

Beginning in the 9th grade we also offer an entirely online homeschool program–the Greats Honors Program-for any students who prefer an online approach, which includes all courses through 12th grade and online lectures by many famous teachers, for all subjects, and also includes weekly, live, online tutorials with our Academy tutors.  All 9th grade students may choose either our conventional homeschool program or our online homeschool program.

In 9th grade, and up, all students may begin our Great Books Program.  Each week, students and two of our moderators meet online for a live, two-hour discussion of the Great Books reading. Our four-year Great Books Program may be taken for high school credit or college credit by homeschoolers and all others.

Presented below is the same information, in simple outline format; for full details please use the banner tabs above, or links below. Programs offered:



Great Books Academy Homeschool Program –Complete for home study, nursery through 12th grade. Includes: Art, English Language Arts (Grammar and Composition, Handwriting, Phonics, English Roots, Spelling, Vocabulary), Geography, Greek, History, Latin, Math, Rhetoric, Science

Individual Online Courses Offered: Socratic Discussions (3rd-8th), Philosophy for Children (3rd-6th), Ethics (7th & up) Logic (8th & up),Writing and Composition (8th & up)

The Greats Honors Programfor all students grades 9-12 who prefer an entirely online curriculum. Includes online Great Courses in: Art, History, Language Arts, Philosophy, Latin/Greek, Science, Math, Music, with weekly, live, subject area tutorials, and individual online mentors.

The Great Books Program-for all students 9th grade and up; four years available; classes meet online weekly for two-hour, live, Socratic discussions of the Great Books reading, with two Academy Moderators. These courses may be taken for high school or college credit.